Wednesday, November 26, 2008

In the air.

In the air.

Yep we’re coming to you live from the plane. Lol, I wish. That way I’d have net access and wouldn’t be so bored. Im just typing this up as we fly and I’ll post it up later when we land and have access to internet.
Well right now, Gabriel’s in the toilet of the plane doing whatever he is doing. I didn’t enquire. OMGsh Im soooo excited. Right now my ears keep popping which is an interesting experience. Not much to see outside the plane. Just clouds. Lol, feels like we’re in a huge paddock with giant sheep. That and everytime I look out the plane and look away I see a green blob. Havent been on a plane in over ten years (as I told everyone) so it’s kinda like a new experience. Forgot how small a plane was. Or maybe its because the plane we got is small. Only two rows of three and don’t know how long it goes back for. It’s also quite cramped here Right now Gabriel is out of the toilet and eating his cold hungry Jacks which he got in the food lounge at the airport. We’re sitting in 14B and C (Im in B) and we just took off. I had no idea how rural the airport was. Then again, I’ve never been to this airport lately.
Well, lets talk about how this day started which was an interesting one. Started today at about like 8:40 (kinda slept in since I was having a nice dream. Forgot what the dream was though) and got changed. Since I woke up too late, I didn’t get to see Ivan off for the last time in a month. Oh well. I’ll talk to him online when I get net. Well after got changed and did morning stuff, had breakfast. My original idea was scrambled eggs but was too lazy so figured instant noodles would be fine. Mum didn’t think the same so made me a sandwich to go with my tea. Normally would have been coffee but since I already put the teabag in, thought might as well have tea. Afterwards, it reached 10, the time Gabriel and Pete were supposed to come pick me up. And the minutes dwindled away and still no Gabriel and Pete. And it took a while before they got here, which prompted a bit of nagging from Dad. I decided to wait outside and Dad and Mum decided to join me. At about 11:15, they finally arrived and not a minute too late. Well...about 75 minutes but thats alright. So long as we didn’t miss out flight. Which we didn’t as Im in the plane right now.
Anyway, I get into Pete’s car and man it is nice. Think its Mum’s celica except in red and the inside has these massive speakers. And his is manual while Mum’s is automatic. We drive along and I sit in the back observing the new surroundings I was getting into. As I’ve said, haven’t been to the airport in 10 years or so. Last time I went to Hong Kong, it was still in British hands.
Well, get to the airport, head down stairs because Gabriel had to claim GST on his new macbook (which looks sooo awesome. Its so compact) Owww, I just got a cramp in my right shoulder. And we’re encountering some turbulence *gasp* Hope its all fine. Anyway, where was I? Oh thats right. Arrived at the airport. Gabriel was told to do his thing after checking in, so we go line up to do so. We try one of those do-it-yourself ones but that didn’t work so we had to line up. After waiting for a bit, we finally get in and Gabriel was told to go back down stairs or wait to do it in Darwin. We get our bags put in (Gabriel’s was over by .2 lol and mine was under at like 15 or something) and we headed back down to get Gab’s macbook done. Before we went up, there was a couple of women who apparently needed a visa or something and that got me and Gab’s a bit worried. But it was fine.

Anyway, head down, told to do it in Darwin and Gab’s and I go through security to get to the Food Lounge. We put all our laptops and stuff in the plastic trays. Lol, I swear everyone had a laptop. Think that was all some guy brought. After we were all set and put everything back in, we headed to Krispy Kreme where Gabriel got me to buy a dozen and he went to get a Hungry Jacks meal. It was the new chicken one and man it was good. I managed to get a bite on the plane before. Feels weird blogging in real time. Normally I blog after the event...what was the Latin term for it? Ex post Facto? Something like that. Also saw a QANTAS plane outside and it was HUGE!!! The side wing thingy was like bigger than me. Anyway after getting food, we headed to the lounge to wait and I took a couple Anyway, when peoplw we’re called up, we had a bit of a drama. Gabriel saw my boarding pass and noticed that we weren’t sitting together, which he thought was odd. Then he noticed that the name on his boarding pass wasn’t his lol. So we go to the woman letting people in and tell her, and had this huge drama about having to recall the woman who has his boarding pass and he had to have a new one printed for him. Now we just worry about the luggage and the special package of wine he had sent over. Should be fine.

Oh yeah I should also talk about taking off. It went smooth, though a bit shaky towards teh start. Havent flown in ages so forgotten how it was like. And it was great. I felt a bit nervous at teh start because of some weird noise but that was alright. And even taxiing is fast. I was getting more and more pumped. Cant wait to do it again. Good thing it went smoothly because if I had to chuck up, I had no idea where I would have gone because I didn’t see a bag in front of me lol. Flying is sooo fun. Better than sex lol. Well...wouldnt really know but I know it lasts longer. Probably anyway lol.

And now, we just wait till we arrive in Darwin, recharge our batteries (both ourselves as we need food and our laptops lol) Argh Im so excited. Hi to everyone back home reading this, and I’ll try and call ASAP. And assuming my mobile still works in Singapore, which I think it will, call me on my usual number. Or I’ll call you. Laters for now. Oh and Gabs says Hi, I think. Cant tell, since he’s watching Samantha Who.

Me again. Bored out of my mind at the moment and my laptop is gonna die in like 40 minutes so I’ll make this quick and as a note to Linda and Betty and Pete who are going to fly up and meet us soon, be smart and be like Gabriel and bring a book to read. Because sleeping on a plane aint as easy as one would think. Sigh, and I was so close to finishing Oedipus at Colonus lol. Oh well. I hope theres a place for me to charge my laptop when I get to Darwin and that it gets fully charged in time for the flight to Singapore. Maybe I’ll buy a book there while Im at it. Hmmm...Fahrenheit 451 or 1984? OOoo maybe I’ll get Thucydides. Hmmm...worry that I’ll start analysing those books. Maybe something I’ll enjoy personally. Something like Dean Koontz. Something fun. Dexter seems like a good choice, still want to read the book version. I’ll see what I can find and afford.


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