Friday, November 28, 2008

In the air...again

Yep. Gabriel and I am once flying, after catching our connecting flight from Darwin. After our flight from Melbourne, we touched down on in Darwin and just moved through the airport, going through customs and check in, as we are now boarding an international flight, not the petty domestic one we were in before. Before we landed, we watched out the window as we descended. Pretty fun actually. Lol, we were flying so low, you can watch cars drive past on the road next to us. Descending down to Darwin wasn’t that exciting. Not much to see. Just lots of green trees. There was also a lot of water which actually looked really nice. So much better than what we have in Melbourne. Maybe we should go back to Darwin one day. Seems like a nice place. Would love to visit the beaches. Look so nice.

Anyway, sadly I didnt get the book or magazine I wanted because we were so worried about checking in and customs and Gabriel getting the GST claimed on his macbook that we decided to just go get checked in first and buy it afterwards. Sadly, we couldn’t leave the lounge area so had to stay there. But wasn’t too bad. Was able to charge my laptop up to 50% so I have computer time for another hour or so before I have to turn it off. And afterwards...I dunno try my best to sleep through the flight I suppose. Not bloody likely though, as I could tell from last time. But this time it’ll be a night flight so would be darker so might be easier. But I dunno, probably too excited about Singapore to sleep lol. Anyway, as soon as we land and stepped out of the plane, it was like “whoa s**t!!” It was sooo humid I had trouble breathing. It reminded me of Maestro, where Paul’s father goes “Darwin is the arsehole of the planet”, or something to that effect, and if that was the case, the planet must have had a burrito or something. Well could breathe but felt like I was gulping in water whenever I was. Anyway, I look at a few books at the book place, saw a couple which I oculd have bought but in the end didnt because I thought I could come back after check in, but that was not to be the case so didnt get them and now have to try and endure the boring middle bit of the flight. But should be fine. Catch some shut eye or something.

After waiting in line for ages during check in and having to take out all liquids which were more than 100ml, which neither of us had, though Gabriel did have a bottle of something. Forgot what it was which he put in a bag though he didnt have to since it was only 50 or something ml. So after we get checked in, we had to go through customs, where we had our bags scanned. We were all told to take out our laptops while they were scanned, which both Gabriel and I did, and I think everyone else in line lol. Afterwards we went in through to the guy there to let us through and ask me if I had over $10 000 on me, which I didnt, sadly lol. Afterwards, I took a peek around the Duty free shop while Gabriel got his GST thing sorted out, which I went back occasionally to check on how he was doing, which prompted the guy there to ask if I was with him. Apparently, if I wasn’t, he would have told me to “go bugger off” So I “buggered off” for a bit and looked at some more in the Duty Free store until Gabriel was done and we just looked at stuff we could have bought but didnt. There were heaps of fragrances and alcohol (no books though ) and chocolate and random stuff, which I thought we could get for Betty’s cousin’s when we get to HK but didnt get them because thought they wouldn’t really be interested in puppets or a ruler and pencil set. So Gabriel bought some chocolate nougat, and I bought something which I thought we could celebrate with once we get to his place in Singapore. Right now Gabriel is jabbering at the keyboard at his mac, probably blogging like me lol. I wonder who’ll finish faster. Probably him since Im such a slow typer.

Anyway, we get into the lounge area, find a powerplug and just went for it. Also managed to get into the airport’s internet which was good and was able to post my last entry and chat to some people on msn, like Albert, Alvin and Betty which was nice. Also talked to my brother and told him that we were in Darwin and for him to let Mum know, before he just went offline to watch 2 and a Half Men no doubt. Sigh. I miss tv. Going to miss all the shows like Supernatural and Big Bang Theory. Oh well, just get it from someone later. Anyway, after a quick chat to people, it was time to board the plane, and when we did, we got free water which was nice. The plane was also being cooled as well so there was like smoke kinda thing filling the cabin. Before we left though, Gabriel bought a Red Bull and a pack of slated beer nuts which I wanted to eat on the plane. Also I was given a complimentary pack of like sleeping stuff, such as the eye mask, blanket and air pillow sorta thing, and Gabriel didnt lol. Prob try it out later if I could.

Anyway, probably should go before my battery dies out on me. On a final note, just want to thank Gabriel once more for putting all this together, arranging transport, the tickets, hotels, accommodation. If it wasn’t for you, I’d probably be sitting at home reading romance mangas, which a new one came out and seemed quite good. It was called Love Knife, which I will read as soon as I get back home. No manga on this trip. Just going to enjoy company of good friends in a good environment. And also want to say that flying is now perhaps my favourite past time. Its soooo fun. And its so beautiful to look outside the window. Cant wait till we fly again. BTW if you’re reading this, it probably means we’re off the plane and got to somewhere with internet and posted it up. Hope to see the rest of you guys soon. Enjoy your stay in Australia until then and watch as much Aussie tv while you can. We’ll post up photos as soon as we can because we took several, and would probably take more as we land into night time Singapore, which is going to be awesome.

Laters. Janson


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