Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Day Whatever

OMGSh yesterday was sooooo fun. Not that the other days weren’t fun but I found that yesterday was the most enjoyable to date on this trip. Yes Im aware I haven’t blogged about those days. Its not like I go to Singapore to stay in and blog lol. Well guess today is an exception after all we only got like 5 hours sleep lol. Went to bed at like 2 after spending the night out and waking up extra early today at 7 so Gabriel could go get his medical examination for his NS, where he has to take his pants down and cough, lol. Well apparently Gabriel didn’t have to. I wasn’t there with him because I wasn’t allowed through. Think Gab’s asked the guy there if I could go as well and he was like “no...” and in my mind, I was kinda like “DUH...ITS A MILITARY INSTALLATION, NOT A TOURISM SITE” But oh well. Meant I got to explore Singapore on my own lol. Ah that military place was so scary. They had this mean looking guy carrying this huge ass assault rifle and there were all these people in military uniforms. I was scared and didnt want to go inside anyway and thought I’d wait for Gabs outside for him to be done. After about an hour, he sent me a text that he’ll be taking a while so I decided to just go exploring on my own. First went to a nearby food court place and just got an ice tea and from there went to a place where I hoped would be air con and places to shop. There was air con, although a weak one and no where to shop so I decided to leave and go somewhere else.

I decided to just risk it and take a bus, hopping onto one that went to an MTR station I knew of and instead of heading there, just looked for a place that looked as though it had air con, which was a place called Anchor Point, though I didnt know that until I got inside lol. There wasn’t much to shop around, was really more of a large food court really. They had this place called Club Marc and everything was like drastically reduced for some reason and were really cheap. There was like a pair of jeans for $25. I would have bought it but no money lol. Well I did have money but didnt really want to spend on clothes. Would rather save it for food lol. Also there was an anime store so went there and took a look. There was also a drama place where they were soooo cheap!!! I could have bought Coffee Prince for $10. But I didnt as I wanted to save for food lol. They also had a book store which was a good place to just sit and enjoy air con lol. The sell Classic Books for like $2 each and Dennis Lehane for 7. I want to read Dennis Lehane, he’s the guy who wrote Gone Baby Gone which was such a good movie. Anyway, got bored and moved onto Ikea across the street, which was nice and cool lol. Also had seats to rest my feet. Got lost a few times though I managed to find my way out and afterwards went to the shopping Centre place next door which was alright. Lots of cheap clothes. Well cheapish. Some were cheap, others were expensive. When I later went there with Gab’s after his examination, I was looking at this store and the guy was like “here, try this, its very in style, so I try it on inside, just so he’ll stop bugging me, and while Im buttoning up the shirt, he just pulls open the curtain to give me another top and tells me to come out and take a look. So annoying. I didnt buy anything and used Gab’s excuse of “I’ll come back another time” lol. Also I think I left my empty cup of soursot (is that how you spell it? Its like a fruit jelly thing) drink there lol. Oh well.

Anyway, before Gab’s called me, I was still at Anchor Point about to get a Durian Ice Kachang but didnt and instead waited for Gab’s to arrive to eat, which he did and we went to the place next door where we had curry laksa. So hot lol. Wasnt hot hot but hot enough. I also ordered a couple of curry puffs, one for Gab’s but he didnt want it because the place there wasn’t that great, so I had to eat it. Also got that drink which I left at the clothes store lol.We walk around for a bit, Gabriel bought like 3 tops for $20. Such good value. He also asked a place that does laser engraving about having his macbook engraved, and the guy wasn’t sure if Gabriel should have it done at his place because he has no idea how it would turn out. Anyway soon we decide to leave most of it unexplored as we would most likely return with Betty and Linda when they get here and after Malaysia. So we took a bus to Queenstown station (well...get off before, walk there just to find that the bus we were on actually goes directly there lol. Afterwards we just trained back and now Im drifting between sleep and blogging.

Anyway, onto yesterday, which was soooo fun. I haven’t even mentioned what we did on that long ass paragraph before lol. I dunno, I kinda just would type a bit, roll over into the fan, rest a bit then roll back to the comp and write more.

So just what did we do? Well at first Gabriel and I didnt do much and just stayed in for a bit during the day (slept in. Well Gabriel went for a run in the morning and I slept in lol) before we took a train to soem place. I forgot what it was. It was a shopping centre and as soon as we got there, we needed a coffee since we were both so tired. Lol, we both nearly fell asleep on the train. I don’t know why I was so tired. I think I got plenty of sleep. Either way, we were so tired, we needed a coffee boost to rejuvenate ourselves, so we got coffees. Iced coffees naturally. We got them at this place called Spinellis and they had these iced coffees called spins, where they mixed coffee with these other stuff. Think Gabriel got a cookie one and I got a mint one. It was soo nice. Afterwards, we went through the three storey HMV they have there which was alright. Apparently YUI has a new album, not like I really listen to her anyway. Afterwards just strolled around, looked at clothes and tuff like that for a while, before taking a train to Dhoubi Gought or something like that to meet up with Gabriel’s cousins for dinner. Funny story. Gabriel’s phone like died because he didnt charge it and was only at 12% when we left the house. So we didnt know where to meet them. Gabriel said meet them at the station, but then we decided to go to the Plaza Singapura, but went wrong way first and ended up at the Cathay so had to walk all the way in the other direction to the Plaza and where we tried switching simcards but that didnt work because my phones locked to my card. He called the other sister (theres two of them, Hui Ying and Mei Chin, both sisters) and think he called Hui Ying for Mei Chin’s number but I couldn’t remember it. So stupid. So we bum around for a bit hoping they’ll find us. We then went down stairs and found Mei Chin waiting for us and teasing Gabriel for getting lost. We head out and meet up with Hui Ying, who tells us that we’re having dinner at the Cathay, and we were like “...we just came from there”.

But we didnt mind walking. Wasn’t too far and weather wasn’t too hot so it was alright. We make it to the Cathay and line up to eat at this place called the Aston which serves Western food. Feels weird eating Western Food in Singapore. Its like I never left home lol. But still the food was really nice and cheap. For 6.50 get like a chicken steak, with 2 side dishes. I got a black pepper steak with a baked potato and a pasta salad I think. It was soooo nice. The chicken was so tender and spicy because of the black pepper. Gabriel got one called the historical one which I think was good as well. It was a really good place to eat, though we did have to wait in line for maybe an hour or something, before we could get seated. So in the time we played this game, not sure what its called, think its called “who, huh, what” and you would say to the person next to you either “who” or “what” or “huh” and they would have to say the same thing to the person next to them and if you want to change directions, you just say one of the other three back to the person and that person has to continue with it and whoever gets it wrong by saying the same thing back to the same person loses. We had a trial run of the game and it didnt seem too bad so we played again and this time, whoever loses, has to ask a person sitting at a table next to us (its like an open restaurant and the line is situated next to a row of tables) what they ordered or what they’re eating. Sadly in that game I lost but luckily HuiYing said I didnt have to carry out with the dare, though if it was Gabriel who lost, they would have made him do it, partly because he was the one who suggested the dare. Soon we get seated and we just talk a bit before our food arrives. Most of the talk was about tv shows and how you cant download them in Singapore. Soon dinner was over and we just look around the place and head to a Ben and Jerry’s store to eat ice cream!!!! And my gosh its expensive. Its like 4.10 for a scoop. Awww sooo sad. Gabriel and I lost our Ben and Jerry-nity before Betty and Linda. Oh well. We’ll try and have a tub to have when you guys arrive, assuming we have the money. If not, we’ll get it after the Malaysian trip. I got a scoop of cheesecake something and Gabriel, HuiYing and Mei Chin got a plate with a waffle base and three scoops with chocolate topping which they shared, and I got some too which was nice. There was also a live band playing which was pretty cool. They played Hotel California and Happy Birthday lol.

After ice cream and the song was over, we headed out and somehow someone got the idea that we should go to a pub. I was a bit hesitant at first as I’ve never been to one before despite being 18 and not really a drinker and Gabriel wasn’t 18. Somehow we still went but on the way we went to all these touristy places and took photos which was fun. Also saw an Aston Martin which was sooo cool!!!!!!!! Anyway Cant remember all the places we went to but remember we went to this really posh place called Chijmes and the esplanade, or as Gabriel put it, the Durian building and went to the rooftop which was soo nice. The views were so cool, even though standing near the edge was scary because we were so high.It was also really cool, very breezy so not too hot. We took heaps of photos and it was really fun on the way in because Gabriel and HuiYing would just stop under an air vent for cold air lol. And also there was like a display that would move along with you, though it was too slow and we would get ahead of it. Lol, we went to the underpass which leads to the Escalade and there were people skateboarding around and as I get to the other side, I see this sign going “No skateboarding”.Its so nice inside, so classy. Cant wait to show it to Betty and Linda.

After the Esplanade, we walked on until we finally made it to this pub called Timbre (I think thats what we did. Not sure if we went anywhere in between)and it was such a nice place. Had a really nice atmosphere and wasn’t too crowded and was pretty cool to just sit and have a drink and talk. Which is precisely what we did. Luckily it was happy hour all night so drinks were cheaper.
When we got there, the in bar musician, a woman named Michaela was playing Unfaithful by Rihanna and it was sooo good. Later she also sang a couple of other songs, which HuiYing and Mei Chin sang along to as well. Lol, so funny when they were singing Falling by Alycia Keyes (which Michaela sang so well) to Gabriel. HuiYing put in a request for herself and myself (I picked Umbrella by Rihanna) but she didnt know how to play either of our songs so Huiying suggested she play a Christmas song which she did though I forgot which one.
As for drinks, we had a bit of fun going through the list. Gabriel just went for a Bacardi Breezer, HuiYing had a light beer from a brand I don’t remember and Mei Chin ordered an Apple martini. I wanted a Mojito but they didnt have any and since I couldn’t remember any of the drinks and didnt want to go through the menu again, I just ordered an Apple martini as that was the last drink I heard. The apple martini was actually quite strong, despite what I heard from people saying its more sweet than bitter. I found it pretty bitter as well. But it was still nice. It was like my first real drink in two years at least lol, assuming we don’t count that sip of Gabriel’s lime Bacardi breezer I had the other night. Lol, from there, the night started getting fun, with a lot of talking and Mei Chin telling a couple of jokes which were sooo funny, especially the King Kong one lol. HuiYing and and Mei Chin also tried to teach me Singlish (combination of English with a Singaporean accent, like putting in lah and leh and mah) and expressions such as wah liao and wah biange. We also realised that Gabriel had his medical examination the next day and how we had to wake up early. Also talked about why you have to cough when they ask you to take off your pants lol.

Anyway, the night soon drew to a close and Gabriel and I took a taxi back home, and he got himself a takeaway meal from the nearby food place which he ate as soon as he got home. The night was great and cant wait till we do it with Betty and Linda, though Gabriel said he’ll get his other cousin Ben to take us around, as he doesn’t want Betty and Linda to join Mei Chin and HuiYing in making fun of him lol.


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